From concept to completion
We focus on Quality and Compliance for our way of life.
Product Development
We can assist you with analytical data to support your product development.
Our goal is to assure our customers of quality analytical data through data integrity to assist our manufacturing clients and brand owners.
Microbiology Testing
Our microbiology laboratory is second to none. Our microbiologists are recognized experts in the field.
Physical Testing
We maintain our ability to service many industries like the medical device, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, chemical and other industries that require ASTM, USP, ISO or other monograph physical testing.
Laboratory Testing
Our labs provide high quality analytical test results.
Chemistry Testing
Our chemists are renowned for performing well under pressure and providing data recognized by many regulatory authorities.
Our goal is to remain FDA compliant at all times.

Your Formula For Success
Find out what certification means to you and your customers.

Susanne Armand
Founder and President of Ceutical Labs
Susanne has served as co-owner and President, of Ceutical Laboratories, Inc., for over 20 years. Her experiences as Head of Laboratory, Manager of Quality Control, Manager of Quality Improvement Process and Head of Metrology for several industry companies and owner of several Small Businesses, qualifies Ms. Armand as an expert within her fields.
With more than 28 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Veterinary Medicine, Cosmetic, Personal Care and Dietary Supplement Industries, she has held key positions with Argus Pharmaceuticals, Aronex Pharmaceuticals, Mills Biopharmaceuticals, International Isotopes, Abbott Laboratories, Alcon, and CPM Laboratory prior to Ceutical Labs. From her studies at the University of St. Thomas and Texas A&M University,
she holds a Degree in Biotechnology and a Certification in Small Business.
She writes a FB Blog every week called, Kids’ Day, Devoted to All of my Kids!…..and people say…..I bet you love working with kids……but Susanne believes “we should never lose sight of our Kid
In her role as President of the #bestlabever, a 5-Star Company in the D-FW area, today she mentors, trains and leads many of the top SuperStars for the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Personal Care Industries! She loves to travel with her SuperStars; she calls it, “Roughing it!”
“These days we must CONNECT with all ages! My mission in life is to influence the young people of our day; to be SuperHeros in their own circles and…..we, the seniors, we must never give up teaching and passing our batons in this game of life… that we build Super Legacies!…..In an industry where Life really counts!”